Title: Delirium (#1 of the series)
Author: Lauren Oliver Genre: Science Fiction, Young Adult Length: 441 pages Summary Lena is a 17-year old girl counting down the days until she can get cured once she turns 18. She lives in Portland, Maine in an alternate present where Love has been declared a disease in the United States. Therefore, many cities, including Maine, has closed their borders to uncured adults. As Lena and most Maine residents believe, once you have the cure you will be happy and you won’t need to suffer pains and symptoms associated with Love. Lena’s mother committed suicide when Lena was a young girl because she was in Love and the cure did not work for her. Thus, Lena grows up with her Aunt and cousins, taking a strong viewpoint that Love is the disease that ripped apart her family. Lena believes in following the rules as well as the cure. However, her best friend Hana prefers to live on edge. She goes to parties and listens to unapproved music. During the months leading up to her procedure, Lena meets Alex. Alex is cured as confirmed by a visible scar, so it is okay for Lena to talk with him. As her attraction for him strengthens, she learns that he is not what he appears to be. He is really an uncured and was born in the Wilds—the area outside the boarders. Lena begins to break the rules to spend time with Alex. The more she is with him, the more she begins to questions the rules her society has put in place. Perhaps Love is not a disease. My Review I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I love the character development. Lena, Hana, and Alex were all very likable characters. And the descriptions of many of the minor characters were quite amusing. I also enjoyed the world building. All the rules fascinated me. Each chapter began with a short quote from a book printed in their society that showed the reader Lena’s world without bogging down the text with all that information. Although it was long, it was a fast paced book and hooked me from the beginning. I am excited to read Book #2, Pandemonium. There is also a book called Hana that takes her view during the Delirium time period. I am a member of two book clubs, and we read a variety of genres. Plus, as a Young Adult author, I am constantly reading YA books to improve my writing. If you would like to read more of my reviews, check out my ratings at Christine at Goodreads. If you like them, please send me a friend request. Thank you for reading this post.
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